I think it's very touching
First of all I have to say something to some stupid reviewers : WHERE IS THE FUCKING EMPTAHY IN THIS FUCKED UP WORLD YOU BUNCH OF LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT !!?!?!? haaa... hey guys if you don't have a fucking brain don't review, assholes...
Now for you ReQsa, this was a very touching movie and I'm very sorry for your brother no matter if it's a suicide or a death by a desease, death sucks right ? Taking the time to make this movie shows us (us = intelligent and sensitive persons, not those perverted sick bastards) that you're a very good person I think. be proud of that
Now for your movie, cause even though it's touching I'll still review it objectivly, as a movie, not as a personnal experience. It doesn'T take away the respect I have for this movie.
But it's a technical review.
Graphics 6 : The graphics were good, but still needs improvement, like the animation could be more smooth and more complex. It's great that you took the time to draw everything tho.
Style 3 : The style had nothing special, a little manga-like, that was nice, but that's not something I would call stylish.
Sound 4 : Nice music, it fitted very well, but you know what you should add some sounds to that, but maybe your goal was to make it only with music. but sounds always add a lot to a movie. So consider this in future production. :)
Violence 1 : Not violent, although it's mentally violent if you know what I mean.
Interactivity 1 : Nice menu and preloading !
Humor 0 : huh....not funny.
Overall 6 : Very good movie ! it differs from the common "senseless violence" movie where a person is killed and/or ripped appart every 1.4 seconds. So congrats for that !
Vote 3/5
Peace !