Newgrounds Meet-up
This last weekend I went to Newgrounds' Pico Day. Here's how it went, thursday I took the bus from Montreal and after a 40 minute delay, I was finally able to get on a bus. That was around 11:30 PM. I usually travel by night when I take the bus so I can sleep a part of the trip and not waste an entire day traveling. The trip was supposed to be 10 hours but it ended up being 14 hours because I was stuck at the borders for 4 hours. Daaammnnn that was long...I was supposed to be at New York at 6 AM but at 4:30 AM I was still at the US border haha. The rest of the trip was fine, I arrived in Philadelphia and took a train to get to Glenside and the newgrounds office were 5 minutes away from there. Walking toward it, I was pretty nervous, I'm not really used to meet internet people, and there were a lot at the same time this time haha. So there I was at the newgrounds office. It was really great meeting all the newgrounds big heads (Tom Fulp, Wade Fulp, Tomamoto, Egoraptor, The-Swain, DrNeroCF, Luis, MindChamber, Afro-Ninja, my friend NegativeOne, etc) and people I talked to a lot and never met. Now I can put faces and characters to these names. Most people were nice, there were some weirdos and people with who I didn't really connect but that's all good, for the most part everyone was really nice. Some people like HappyHarry and Rucklo came for the weekend directly from London and Sweden respectively. Quite a trip. Tom Fulp generously paid amazing hotel suites for us in Philadelphia, it was the best hotel I've been in in my entire life, surely 11 stars haha! On saturday, we went to Baltimore to meet some local newgrounders. It was freaking hot but I ate good food, had fun and bought an iphone development book while we were all chatting and chilling at Barnes and Noble. Sunday was relaxing as people were leaving at different hours of the day, we just chilled in the hotel and went to eat pizza, paid by Tom Fulp again and ended the day at the newgrounds office. I'm really glad I went, it was great! There's also a newgrounds meet-up in Montreal in june so I'll be there too.
I took a bunch of pictures, check them out on my site
So that was my trip, I had a great time! The Montreal meet in june will be smaller but I'll be there, should be nice. Alright....NEXT TOPIC!!!
POM2 Contests
There are 2 new Punk-o-matic 2 contests up on punk-o-matic-net with various prizes to win. There's the May Song Contest which is a typical POM2 song contest and also the June Cover Contest which is a contest in which you need to redo a POM2 song of your choice with real instruments or other softwares. For the june contest, you can work with other people as a team to do it. I announce and launch both contests now to give you 2 months for the june contest since it's harder and requires a bit more preparation and work. So there you go, head over to, register if you're not a registered member and start creating fun stuff right away! :) You can access all the contests through the Contests menu on the top of the punk-o-matic site.
Other stuff!
Other than that, I'm still working on a couple incoming games, I should have some updates about them in the coming weeks on I'll try to release a short game in the meantime, maybe Z-Rox 2!
That's about it folks! Cheers! :)