Hey guys! We're still hard at work finishing Choke Point for the global release! We're making levels, new items, new weapons, SickDeathFiend is working on new character skins, it's all progressing awesomely! One of the big next feature is the leveling system with perks and unlocks and all that fun stuff! The game is already on armorgames with an abysmal player base which is a good testing ground while we finish the full version of the game, So here's some sneak peaks of varfious stuff we're working on! If you wanna be a betatester, add me on skype (marco.arsenault)
You can also watch our new items series on youtube and subscribe to our channel! :D
This looks very cool man! AND! You should add a god weapon IF you complete a challenge mode (if you add it) and add John Creesman as a character skin! Overall, great game!
Dumb ideas are dumb.