Hey guys! Here's another Choke Point dev video, hope you enjoy the content! Let me know what you think!
We're ramping up to the global release and we're always looking for testers to help test the new features since it's a multiplayer game so if you're interested in testing, add me on skype: marco.arsenault
Subscribe to our youtube channel too ;)
Hey Dawg, sorry that this has nothing to do with this game, but are there any news on the HD Road Of the Dead remasters for Steam? I would buy them in an instant, the lag in Road of the Dead 2 is still there sadly :(
Yeah the lag won'T go away magically :) Not sure when/if that will happen, we,ll see, right now it's CHoke Point and similar game, which may include a Of The Dead game, could also include a Road pof the Dead ONLINE game