So we've released The Blind Swordsman on April 1st.
While the idea was originally an April Fools prank like "You play as a blind swordsman and it's a black screen and you can't do anything ha! ha! ha!", we decided to push the idea much further and make it into an actual game.
We worked hard on creating a unique experience and obviously some people really hated the idea haha but some really loved it. In any case, the people saying it's just an april fools prank are lying and what's even funnier are people trolling and saying things like "woah the bears on level 5 are really hard" or whatever, oblivious to the fact that there ARE further levels and they are the fool lol
So yeah, The Blind Swordsman is a fully playable game where you must listen carefully where the enemies are and listen to their attack patterns to defeat them, best played with headphones on for a better sound placement effect. I worked on a system where each sound is actually 4 sounds, a front close sound, a front far sound, a back close sound and a back far sound. Each with their own particular effect to sound close, far, in front and behind you (with headphones).
The way to play the game properly as a blind swordsman is to start the battle on the defensive to determine the enemy's pattern and movements. Rashly attacking enemies is a sure way to die. You can parry attacks by pressing the parry button right before the attack lands, the enemies always have a grunt sound before the attacks land like eeeeeYAH, ooooooHA, hmmmmpHAA, etc. That is your cue to parry. Now each enemy has an opening when you can attack and defeat them, THAT you must find!
There are 10 levels, each with its own kind of enemy or group of enemies. It's all doable but clearly a difficult game. We hope you give it a shot now that there are medals to be earned and that you know it's all possible to beat. We had fun working on the game and crunched really hard to get it done by April Fools, we still decided to release it on April Fools, just for the fact that it's a unique, almost joke-like, concept. But we put our whole into it and made it more than a prank.
We hope you enjoyed it and if you didn't, we hope you'll give it another go :)
Thanks to everyone who gave us genuinely good feedback about the game and how to make it better, v1.2 is currently out and contains a bunch of fixes, medals, highscores, etc. Working on some more fixes and tweaks as well.
With all the patterns and blocking and parrying It's kind of like playing Dark Souls... blindfolded D':
Hahaha yeah you're not the first to reference Dark Souls, a compliment for sure.