Shit yes, I can't wait to bust some heads!
Hey there! My real name is Marco Arsenault, I've been making music and games for a while now, I hope you enjoy my stuff ! In fact I order you to enjoy my stuff! :D If you wanna join the Punk-o-matic community, come to and register
Age 43, Male
Game Programmer
QC, Canada
Joined on 11/10/02
Shit yes, I can't wait to bust some heads!
Aaawww yeah
Madre de dios! I loved the first one.
Cool, I think you,ll like this one too
I just spooged a little.
please clean up your mess!
What? a partner riding shotgun...with a shot gun! Looks awesome!
Shotgun, m16, mp5, m60, mac11, pistol and more
The first Road of the Dead was brilliant. You've got your work cut out for yourself :)
we're doing our best with this one :D
I like it. I like it a lot.
Lookin' forward to it, man!
Sweet! Could have had a role for you, sorry hehe next games ;)
The first game had elements that made it extremely enjoyable, but it wasn't without its faults. Although I am very interested in a sequel, I advise threading carefully as it has to live up to its predecessor.
I do think it's a bad idea making it using flash again though. It severely limited the first game in terms of performance, and it's a fact the second one will be even more visually challenging. Just sayin'
Yeah but it's also a fact that doing it on another platform instead of building on the first one is a massive undertaking.
Fuckin' A! By the way, how's Range of the Dead goin'?
Range is doing well, still waiting for Unity 4 to come out so I can export it to flash!
Road of the Dead deserved a sequel. I love how you draw the SPAS 12.
Yeah SickDeathFiend drew all the weapons like a BAWWWSSS
OMG!! I already played the first Road of the Dead and this looks good!!
Should be good ;)
Splendid news! Graphics looks really fine-tuned. There's never too many zombie games. I hope I will able to beat this one. Are you also making a sequel to Lab of the Dead? I absolutely love that game. Keep up the good work!
We made the story sequel to Lab of the Dead already, it's called Range of the Dead on iPhone and Androids where Allen leaves the lab and does rifle shooting in a valley heading to a nearby city, but we're not yet able to convert it to flash, but soon we will be able to. The real gameplay sequel to Lab of the Dead is a story prequel called Lab of the Dead 2: Genesis or simply Genesis of the Dead which is another lab game but very different. That game is planned and thought out but not scheduled for development yet.
We're working on Lost Guns and then on another mobile (hopefully flash as well) game called Streets of the Dead which is a top down game about the outbreak in Evans City, more like a simple RTS kinda game with civilians, police and military.
It would be my honor to be the father of your children if the rules of nature allowed it.
lmao agreed
If the first was a master piece (i was just playing yesterday) This one shall be the most epic game EVER! Good Luck and i will wait for this AWESOMENESS!!
Yeah I think it will be pretty good
yay, another road of the dead! From the looks of it, it seems that we can shoot and drive in this one too. Hopefully we can upgrade the gun we get.
You sure can :D it'll be more about the guns and the soldier skills than the car this time.
Looks great! Hope it'll be as good as - if not better than - the first!
We shall see :)
OH SHIT!!!!!!!!! I can't wait!!!!!!!!!! Also I want there to be a range of the dead game for flash...
Still can't wait! XD
Yah can't wait for Unity 4 to be released, it's still in beta
This... looks... AWESOME :D
Will there be more guns (scar-h, S&W500, aa-12, sniper rifle)?
Nope that's the lineup, 7 weapons,a common pistol and 3 weapons per soldier that you'll upgrade and get better with
cool? looks ON FIRE!
I know right? lol