Hey there! My real name is Marco Arsenault, I've been making music and games for a while now, I hope you enjoy my stuff ! In fact I order you to enjoy my stuff! :D If you wanna join the Punk-o-matic community, come to punk-o-matic.net and register

Age 43, Male

Game Programmer

QC, Canada

Joined on 11/10/02

Exp Points:
2,402 / 2,500
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5.72 votes
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12y 2m 12d


when Punkomatic 2 hits the net, this site is gonna be huge

I hope so :)

wow, your photo looks ALMOST real, its crazy. are you gonna plug NG in your site too? reference it often and stuff?

probably :)


yup :)

I'm glad that everything with punk-o-matic 2 is going well, the site is great.

thanks :)

I should take another look at this. I was out of it when you showed me the other day - I can't remember a thing about it.

yeah check it out drunko :)

I think you're riding a little too much on the success of a single game, and should branch out and try something new before you get stuck.

However, I must admit I'm eagerly anticipating the new PunkoMatic.

huh...yeah....how about you do your things and you let me do mine.

Oops, sorry, forgot the only comments you wanted were pure mindless unadulterated praise.


Actually, that last comment was really lame on my part. I was bordering on "jerk".
My apologies.

bordering on "jerk"? you ARE a jerk even if you apology
I've never heard of you and the 2 first contacts with you are full of assumptions and wrongful judgement on my creative works...you have no idea what I do in parallel with POM2 in my spare time...but because I do a second part to a popular game, I'm riding on its popularity? what does that even mean? I made other stuff...how about the tons of audio I made as well?
anyway...apology accepted

Yay!! ^_^ It's me Evil-Dog!


You should make a style/design for the site that fits the game better though, right now it looks too much like the basic joomla style :D .

someday :) most people don'T know joomla so who cares hehe

Salut j'me demandais si, par hasard, tu parlais français étant donné que tu travail dans la belle ville de montréal? :D J'voulais juste te dire que t'es un artiste incroyable, toutes tes tracks sont malade, tes flash sont toujours d'une qualité impeccable! T'a du talent l'ami :P

ouais j'suis quebecois :) et merci pour les compliments hehe j'suis content que t'aime mon stock

good luck to you sir! I look forward to the release :D! I see you're looking to get the word out about the site, i'll plug it in my site sometime today then.

You! I hate you...you make the music I wanna make hahaha (i.e. .you're fucking good :P)
Jealousy aside thanks for the good words :)
I wish I had done that a lot sooner....it's kinda lame to make a site and advertise it for a game that'S 4 years old hehe....oh well
cheers and you keep the good work

Looking forward to it!

Yeah me too! :)

Very much looking forward to the new one. Best of luck!

Thank you! :)

hey! Evil-Dog! got a question.........is Punk-o-Matic 2 gonna be similar than 1 or like totally different? like, to tell u the truth u ownn at anything so doesnt matter but just a heads up maybe? thanks!

It's everything POM1 already has but a thousand times better, and a bunch of other big features :)

Will Punk-o-Matic 2 be any more graphically elaborate? I did like the style you used in the 1st one but the tiny stage got to me. Ah well, its your game and I am sure i will enjoy it as much as the next 10 bajillion guys.

it's similar but better :)

I think you're going a LITTLE too far with this Punk-o-matic thing :/

yeah..very far...

But still, I KNOW this game will be one of the best flash games made!

ok....contradicting yourself?
why is going too far to make a website where people can share their songs?
that's exactly what everybody wanted....why do you think I have over 10 000 reviews on punkomatic with people posting their songs...
explain to me why it's going too far to give tools to people to do what they want?
maybe you should go a bit farther with your stuff before you tell me that

loved the first one (except the part about the penguins...)

and i am 999% sure the next is going to be even better.

I certainly hope so :)

You should make an uploading system so people can upload riffs/sounds/drumloops into the game, and use others. That's be pretty sick. :)

yeah maybe in another version...the only thing is that i think most uploads would be garbage that don't fit with anything else

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